Cybercrime is a daily reality. Here’s how it can be combatted

Cybercrime is a daily reality. Here’s how it can be combatted 

Cyberattacks are a daily reality for businesses and even the biggest names across multiple industries are not immune. Cybercrime is a broad term that covers damage or destruction of data, theft of money or personal financial data, embezzlement, fraud, business disruption and reputational harm. It is a real and growing threat, with the global cost of online criminal acts expected to hit USD23.84 trillion by 2027, up from USD8.44 trillion in 2022. 

What is cybersecurity? 

Cybersecurity is the act of protecting any device that is susceptible to an attack over the internet, and includes things such as cameras, microphones, monitors and speakers. Such connected devices are commonly used in audio visual systems in the office, across the enterprise and in the home many of which collect, record and store private and sensitive information. This means that your private data and that of your customers is at risk if the AV system and its devices are not properly protected.  

The weakest link 

As our personal lives and businesses move online, there’s a growing number of opportunities for cybercriminals, who have at their disposal an expanding set of tools. Since AV systems involve connecting multiple devices together on a network, even if one device is hacked then it could lead to the rest being compromised. In turn, this puts all the data stored by devices on the network at risk. In cybersecurity terms, the network is only as strong as its weakest link. The only certainty is that hackers will find and exploit the most vulnerable point in the system. 

Why AV systems are a target  

Audio visual systems are widely used in commercial and domestic environments where devices are exposed to highly sensitive and valuable information such as medical records, passwords and banking details or a private business conversation in a board room. 

Cybercriminals are able to obtain this information by exploiting weaknesses in the security of everyday hardware like cameras and microphones. Furthermore, when a company handles user data they are legally bound to keep that data out of the hands of any malicious party. Failure to do so is not only a breach of their own contract with that user but could generate wider reputational damage. 

It is in your interests to deploy watertight cybersecurity measures and to maintain vigilance to ensure that those security barriers are always up-to-date. Doing so not only safeguards your company against data breaches but portrays the brand to the public as one which goes the extra mile to protect a customer’s personal details. 

The increase in cyber threats 

There are around 2,220 cyberattacks each day, equating to more than 800,000 attacks each year, according to Security Magazine. The UK registered the highest number of cyberattacks throughout Europe in 2022, corresponding to 43% of the total across the continent, according to IBM’s X-Force Threat Intelligence report

Hundreds of cyberattacks take place every month, and the increasingly sophisticated tactics of hacking gangs mean individuals, homeowners and organisations of all sizes are at risk. With ever-evolving hacking techniques, cyberattacks are not only more difficult to predict but also to remedy. 

This is why it is essential to know how to secure your audiovisual devices when you get them installed.  

What can I do? 

The following are ways that you can ensure the connected devices on your AV network are secure and protected. 

A pragmatic way to help secure your network is to regularly change the default credentials (device ID and password) making it harder for hackers to brute force their way into your device. 

Most attacks are repelled by anti-virus software and firewalls installed with every connected device – but these become vulnerable as soon as they go out-of-date.  Keep that line of defence intact by updating all the firmware on your devices as soon as it becomes available. 

Another way of ensuring safety for your devices is to encrypt all communication that happens between them. Again, this will make it harder for malicious actors to intercept and to use the information since they will have to decrypt it first. Make sure when encrypting the communication that you use a secure protocol such as MQTT or HTTPS. 

Perhaps the simplest way to amplify the security of your AV system is to ensure that the physical security of the machines is on par with the virtual security. This means locating the devices in an area that is only accessible by authorised personnel. 

Taking care of your data 

With the increase in cyberattacks against organisations and individuals it is vital that we all make cybersecurity a hygiene issue. This is why we take the cybersecurity of your connected systems very seriously and why we ensure that all of the device protocols are up-to-date and hard to compromise. 

Combatting cybersecurity is about building layers of defence. There is no silver bullet to prevent attack but there are ways of throwing a straitjacket over even the weakest devices in a system to thwart the pirates.  

It is crucial that cybersecurity is considered when investing in, installing and operating a connected system. This is what guarantees a good customer experience and a future proofed system that keeps any data inside the company where it belongs. 

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